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Błażowa, Poland

Also known as: Błażowa, Blazhova, Blezov, Bluzhov

Modification (color/removal of text) by Sarah Cohen-Smith of Todros Geller's From Land to Land, 1926, wood engraving.

Town overview

Galician (Austro-Hungarian) Administrative District Rzeszów
Galician (Austro-Hungarian) Judicial District: Tyczyn
Jewish Kehilla (Community) District: Blazowa
Interwar (Polish) District: Rzeszów
Interwar (Polish) Province: Lwów
Modern District (county or raion): Rzeszów county (powiat rzeszowski)
Modern Province (voivodeship or oblast) Subcarpathian voivodeship (województwo podkarpackie)

Families from Błażowa

There are 10 related entries on the Gesher Galicia FamilyFinder.

To see all Family Finder records as well as contact information for matching researchers, please log in now. If you’re not a member yet, join us today!

Family name Researcher Date added
Beck Gesher Galicia member June 25, 2019
Strahl Gesher Galicia member June 25, 2019
Atlas Gesher Galicia member January 7, 1999
Moses Gesher Galicia member March 15, 2009
Feit Gesher Galicia member May 13, 2019
Wallach Gesher Galicia member December 27, 2007
Walach Gesher Galicia member December 26, 2010
Geiger Gesher Galicia member July 21, 2019
Sicherman Gesher Galicia member August 10, 2020
Miller Gesher Galicia member January 14, 2019

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