About Gesher Galicia
Gesher Galicia is a non-profit organization carrying out Jewish genealogical and historical research on Galicia, formerly a province of Austria-Hungary and today divided between southeastern Poland and western Ukraine.
Our research work involves the acquisition and indexing of a range of archival records, prime among which are vital records and census books. Acquiring and reproducing cadastral maps is another important focus. We also work on landowner records, Holocaust-period documents, and school, voter, and tax records. While our main aim is researching Jewish roots in Galicia, our databases of community records contain names from all ethnic and religious groups that once lived in the region. Gesher Galicia is also organized for the purpose of maintaining networking and online discussion groups and to promote and support Jewish heritage preservation work in the areas of the former Galicia.

Become a member
Become a member starting at $50 per year
Become a member starting at $50 per year Member benefits include a subscription to The Galitzianer, our quarterly research journal; access to Family Finder to share your family surnames and towns and network with other members; discounts on Gratz College online courses; webinars and podcasts; and more!
Gesher Galicia Advisors and Associates
Archival Advisors
Agnieszka Franczyk-Cegła
Ossolineum, Wrocław
Ewa Grin-Piszczek
State Archive in Przemyśl
Magdalena Marosz
National Archives in Kraków
Kateryna Mytsan
State Archive of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (DAIFO), Ivano-Frankivsk
Fedir Polianskyi
State Archive of Ternopil Oblast (DATO), Ternopil
Sławomir Postek
Central Archives of Historical Records (AGAD), Warsaw
Olesia Stefanyk
Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv (TsDIAL), Lviv
Academic Advisors
Michał Galas
Department of Jewish Studies, Jagellonian University, Kraków
Sergey Kravtsov
Center for Jewish Art, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Antony Polonsky
Brandeis University
David Rechter
Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies
Dariusz Stola
Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Wacław Wierzbieniec
Department of History and Jewish Culture, Rzeszów University
Yaron Wolfsthal
Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Galicia Partner Associates
Sofia Dyak
Center for Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv
Avraham Groll
Mark Halpern
Joanna Król-Komła
POLIN Museum, Warsaw
Jacek Stawiski
Galicia Jewish Museum, Kraków
Anna Przybyszewska-Drozd
Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw
Key Associates
Research Advisor
Tony Kahane
Gesher Galicia Secretariat in Warsaw
Piotr Gumola
Gesher Galicia Representative in Poland
Gesher Galicia Representative in Ukraine
Mykhailo Zubar
Editor, The Galitzianer
Jodi Benjamin
IT Manager
Paweł Malinowski
Digital Maps Manager
Jay Osborn
Jewish Galician Heritage
Marla Osborn
Media Coordinator
John Diener
Thank you for considering a contribution to help support our operations, the All Galicia Database, the Family Finder, the Galitzianer, specific research endeavors, our webinar and podcast series, and more.
Gesher Galicia
is a partner of the following organizations: