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The Galitzianer

The Quarterly Research Journal of Gesher Galicia

Modification (color/removal of text) by Sarah Cohen-Smith of Todros Geller’s From Land to Land, 1926, wood engraving.
Published since 1993, The Galitzianer is the quarterly research journal of Gesher Galicia. The journal is published in March, June, September, and December. Members of Gesher Galicia can opt to receive their subscription to The Galitzianer in either digital or paper format.

Past issues of the journal are also searchable and available for download in the Gesher Galicia Members Portal.

The Galitzianer encourages submissions by the members of Gesher Galicia. The journal also accepts articles from nonmembers, including family researchers, academics, members of other genealogical organizations, and people involved in Jewish heritage work in the former Galicia. Please consult our submissions policy and instructions for authors for details.

Regular Columns

The journal strives to communicate with Gesher Galicia members via the following regular columns that provide readers with relevant news of our organization and other updates:
  • From the Editor’s Desk by Jodi G. Benjamin, Editor
  • President’s Page by Steven S. Turner, Gesher Galicia Board President
The following two columns also frequently appear in issues of the journal:
  • Research Corner by Mark Jacobson, Gesher Galicia Research Coordinator, or other contributing researchers
  • Map Corner by Jay Osborn, Gesher Galicia Digital Maps Manager

Another regular section is “Faces of Galicia,” which includes photographs and/or drawings submitted by members and nonmembers and linked to the past Jewish presence in Galicia.

Submissions Policy

The Galitzianer accepts written material broadly linked to Galicia (1772-1918), which may also include topics pertaining to earlier (before 1772) or later periods (post 1918). The thematic scope of interest covers family stories, information about unique archival records, tutorials regarding genealogy research, Galician history and geography, book reviews, and more. Every article undergoes a detailed editorial review. The editorial committee reserves the right to revise or reject a submission, or to defer publication until a later date. Submission of a noncommissioned manuscript does not guarantee its publication. The journal does not offer payments for any type of submission

Prospective authors are encouraged to contact the editor to consult about interest in a potential topic for a future article. Please direct your queries or suggestions to submissions@geshergalicia.org.

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