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Towns Being Researched

by Members of Gesher Galicia

Modification (color/removal of text) by Sarah Cohen-Smith of Todros Geller's From Land to Land, 1926, wood engraving.
Below is an alphabetical list of towns that Gesher Galicia members are researching. It does not contain every town that was in Galicia. To view our Galician Town Locator, which covers over 6,000 Galician towns that existed in the year 1900, click here.

We update this list with new towns as members join or notify us of their research interests.

To see if we have indexed records for your town, go to the All Galicia Database and view the scrolling list on the left hand side labeled “Record Sources” to look for your town name.

Towns Begining with f
Faszczówka (Fashchivka), Ukraine Frysztak, Poland
Towns Begining with g
Gać, Poland Gawłuszowice, Poland Gdów, Poland Gliniany (Hlyniany), Ukraine Glińsko (Hlynsk), Ukraine Głęboczek (Hlybochok), Ukraine Głogów Małopolski, Poland Głowienka, Poland Gnojnik, Poland Gołogóry (Holohory), Ukraine Gorlice, Poland Gorzeń Górny, Poland Gostwica, Poland Grabiec, Poland Grabownica Starzeńska, Poland Grodziska, Poland Grodzisko Dolne, Poland Gromnik, Poland Gródek Jagielloński (Horodok), Ukraine Grybów, Poland Grzymałów (Hrymailiv), Ukraine Gwoździec (Hvizdets), Ukraine
Towns Begining with h
Haczów, Poland Hadle Szklarskie, Poland Halicz (Halych), Ukraine Hanusowce (Hanusivtsi), Ukraine Hańkowce (Hankivtsi), Ukraine Hołyń, Ukraine Horbacze, Ukraine Horodenka, Ukraine Horodnica, Ukraine Horożanka (Horozhanka), Ukraine Horyniec-Zdrój, Poland Hucisko, Poland Humniska, Poland Humniska, Ukraine Husiatyn (Husyatyn), Ukraine Hussaków (Husakiv), Ukraine
Towns Begining with i
Ilińce, Ukraine Iwaniska, Poland

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