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Towns Being Researched

by Members of Gesher Galicia

Modification (color/removal of text) by Sarah Cohen-Smith of Todros Geller's From Land to Land, 1926, wood engraving.
Below is an alphabetical list of towns that Gesher Galicia members are researching. It does not contain every town that was in Galicia. To view our Galician Town Locator, which covers over 6,000 Galician towns that existed in the year 1900, click here.

We update this list with new towns as members join or notify us of their research interests.

To see if we have indexed records for your town, go to the All Galicia Database and view the scrolling list on the left hand side labeled “Record Sources” to look for your town name.

Towns Begining with u
Ubieszyn, Poland Ubrzeż, Poland Uhnów (Uhniv), Ukraine Ulanów, Poland Ulucz, Poland Ułaszkowce (Ulashkivtsi), Ukraine Uniszowa, Poland Urmań, Ukraine Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland Uszew, Poland Uście Biskupie (Ustya), Ukraine Uście Solne, Poland Uście Zielone (Ustia-Zelene), Ukraine Uścieczko (Ustechko), Ukraine Uwin (Uvyn), Ukraine
Towns Begining with w
Wadowice, Poland Wampierzów, Poland Wasylkowce (Vasylkivtsi), Ukraine Węglówka, Poland Widełka, Poland Wieliczka, Poland Wielkie Oczy, Poland Wielopole Skrzyńskie, Poland Wieńczyce Wierzbówka, Ukraine Wiktorówka, Ukraine Winniki (Vynnyky), Ukraine Winograd (Vynohrad), Ukraine Wisłok Wielki, Poland Wiśnicz, Poland Wiśniowczyk, Ukraine Witkowice, Poland Witków Nowy (Novyi Vytkiv), Ukraine Wojciechowice, Ukraine Wojnicz, Poland Wojniłów, Ukraine Wojtkowa, Poland Wojtkówka, Poland Wola Buchowska, Poland Wola Michowa, Poland Wola Postołowa, Poland Wola Żarczycka, Poland Wołczja, Ukraine Wołkowce, Ukraine Wołoska Wieś (Voloska Wes), Ukraine Wołostków, Ukraine Worochta, Ukraine Woźniczna, Poland Wólka Mazowiecka, Ukraine Wólka Pełkińska, Poland Wróblówka, Poland Wybranówka (Vybranivka), Ukraine Wybudów, Ukraine Wygnanka Górna (Vygnanka), Ukraine Wygoda (Vyhoda), Ukraine Wygody, Poland Wyszków, Poland Wyżyce, Poland
Towns Begining with z
Zabawa, Ukraine Zabłocie (near Żywiec), Poland Zabłotów (Zabolotiv), Ukraine Zabratówka, Poland Zabrodzie, Poland Zagórz, Poland Zahutyń, Poland Zakliczyn, Poland Zakopane, Poland Zaleska Wola, Poland Zaleszczyki (Zalishchyky), Ukraine Załoźce (Zaliztsi), Ukraine Zapałów, Poland Zarszyn, Poland Zator, Poland Zawadka, Ukraine Zawałów (Zavaliv), Ukraine Zawidcze (Zavidche), Ukraine Zawoja, Poland Zbaraż (Zbarazh), Ukraine Zborów (Zboriv), Ukraine Zbydniów, Poland Zebrzydowice, Poland Zembrzyce, Poland Zgłobień, Poland Zielonka, Poland Złoczów (Zolochiv), Ukraine Złotniki (Zolotnyky), Ukraine Zwięczyca, Poland
Towns Begining with ż
Żabie (Verkhovyna), Ukraine Żabno, Poland Żółkiew (Zhovkva), Ukraine Żuklin, Poland Żuków, Poland Żurawno (Zhuravno), Ukraine Żurów (Zhuriv), Ukraine Żydaczów (Zhydachiv), Ukraine Żywiec, Poland

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